I joined the pageant because i believe its so important for those who travel abroad and make homes there should not forget who they trully are. Not to get lost in what media makes Kenya to be. To always remember that being a Kenyan is not just a nationality but something to be soo proud of. I am a proud Kenyan.
My reasons as to why I Love Kenya are many.I will mention a few things. The warmness of the people. Its such a positive motivator everyday to see that nothing can bring down my fellow Kenyans,nomatter how hard things may be. A sense of togetherness and caring for each other even in tough situations that can cause seperation
I also Love the weather and the beautiful scenery all around. Being abroad makes me appreciate it much much more.
As much as there are many things that would be great if they could change such like the Security.... I could never trade My Kenya for anywhere else.