Every morning, I try to wake up earlier than usual (Between the hours of 6am- 9am) so that after I spend time emptying my thoughts and reflecting by myself, I can spend time reading the news online. Alternatively, I listen to BBC radio 4 when I'm feeling lazy.(Mum and/or Dad, if you're reading this, I know you'll be pleased that I listen to 'worthy background noise' as opposed to the usual which I can assure you is followed shortly after). I giggle as I type this knowing some of my peers might find my 'morning ritual' odd but; in my house (at university) that is the best time to catch up with current affairs.
So, I usually read the Independent or Metro online but on Thursday morning, I decided to read Huffington Post and the first thing I saw was that Kenyan President Mr Uhuru Kenyatta has legalised polygamous unions. When I had first read about it, I was quite shocked that it was even a consideration; as my Mum would jokingly say to myself and others about certain things "It is 2014!"
However after I had finished reading the post, I realised that this is something that doesn't affect me directly.
If a child isn't exposed to the best of both worlds from a young age or at all, then they cannot know any different from their surroundings and the culture that they are brought up in. Having been brought up in the U.K from an early age, the norms and values from my tribe weren't introduced to me until I started to become curious. Even now, my girls and I talk about the possibilities of us moving back and whether we would be able to fit in because of what we are used to. Nevertheless, that doesn't take away the fact that we are still eager to know more about our heritage. I guess that is down to the fact that we are happy that we somewhat represent the best of both worlds, and yearn to know more about ourselves in that way.
As I had mentioned before, I am not affected by the legislation directly however; depending on ones opinion, it can be viewed as either a backward move or, that the government are simply reinforcing tradition. With 42 tribes in Kenya it certainly makes life interesting and I'm sure, it'll become more interesting with the new law.
Would I consider a polygamous marriage? As of right now (and I say right now because we are forever changing), my thoughts on it are this:
In Matt. 19:4 we are told by Jesus that God created one “male and [one] female” and joined them in marriage. Mark 10:6-8:"But from the beginning of the creation, God 'made them male and female.' 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, 'and the two shall become one flesh'; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh.
The two as one is the pattern on how marriage was to be conducted from the start.
Although I may not read and know my Bible at the 'back of my hand' and I admit that it took me a while to find those scriptures, because I knew that somewhere in the Bible teaches about monogamy. That is the way I have been brought up and the only way I know a relationship can work!
Sharing is caring and sharing the love is wonderful without a doubt but, I personally cannot fathom the idea of it.
We all seek to find love, success and happiness in our lives!! With regards to marriage, I believe as long as both (or all) partners respect, love, and trust each other then that, is all that should matter!
So, I usually read the Independent or Metro online but on Thursday morning, I decided to read Huffington Post and the first thing I saw was that Kenyan President Mr Uhuru Kenyatta has legalised polygamous unions. When I had first read about it, I was quite shocked that it was even a consideration; as my Mum would jokingly say to myself and others about certain things "It is 2014!"
However after I had finished reading the post, I realised that this is something that doesn't affect me directly.
If a child isn't exposed to the best of both worlds from a young age or at all, then they cannot know any different from their surroundings and the culture that they are brought up in. Having been brought up in the U.K from an early age, the norms and values from my tribe weren't introduced to me until I started to become curious. Even now, my girls and I talk about the possibilities of us moving back and whether we would be able to fit in because of what we are used to. Nevertheless, that doesn't take away the fact that we are still eager to know more about our heritage. I guess that is down to the fact that we are happy that we somewhat represent the best of both worlds, and yearn to know more about ourselves in that way.
As I had mentioned before, I am not affected by the legislation directly however; depending on ones opinion, it can be viewed as either a backward move or, that the government are simply reinforcing tradition. With 42 tribes in Kenya it certainly makes life interesting and I'm sure, it'll become more interesting with the new law.
Would I consider a polygamous marriage? As of right now (and I say right now because we are forever changing), my thoughts on it are this:
In Matt. 19:4 we are told by Jesus that God created one “male and [one] female” and joined them in marriage. Mark 10:6-8:"But from the beginning of the creation, God 'made them male and female.' 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, 'and the two shall become one flesh'; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh.
The two as one is the pattern on how marriage was to be conducted from the start.
Although I may not read and know my Bible at the 'back of my hand' and I admit that it took me a while to find those scriptures, because I knew that somewhere in the Bible teaches about monogamy. That is the way I have been brought up and the only way I know a relationship can work!
Sharing is caring and sharing the love is wonderful without a doubt but, I personally cannot fathom the idea of it.
We all seek to find love, success and happiness in our lives!! With regards to marriage, I believe as long as both (or all) partners respect, love, and trust each other then that, is all that should matter!