I was filled with so much pride and glee as I walked by excel with my Face of Kenya UK sash across the stands of Africa, Asia, Europe and USA, and to my pleasant surprise the reception and excitement I received as I walked by and talked to many passers-by was absolutely phenomenal! This is not an exaggeration by any means, Kenya was greatly and positively received by all nations at the World Travel Market and this is clear in the pictures. We almost ran out of film as precious moments were captured in pictures and video footage which I will share soon. For many exhibitors, tourism boards and global travel market trade and businesses, Face of Kenya UK became the first point of contact for Kenya at WTM. This was a significant role that I could not shirk from but responsibly uphold with tenacity, humility and gratitude to be an ambassador and advocate for Kenya and a voice for our nation as the Face of Kenya UK! What a privilege!
There is more to come from the World Travel Market, join me for the last installment of World Travel Market 2014 as I conclude the final day, the celebrations that took at the East Africa Stand and more!
Yours truly